walking disaster

taunting - blunt – reckless

art by @Andernell


AGE: 46
HEIGHT: 198 cm

Reira is a very common Rava except for his noticeable height, the freckles peppering his whole body and his barely noticeable heterochromia.
His hair has the particularity to change colors with seasons, going from a dusty white in winter to a chocolate brown in summer with a palette of beige colors in between.He usually keeps his hare-like tail hidden under coats or armors, mostly because he doesn’t like its fluttering and hates having it touched without his consent.He also has a good number of scars all over his limbs and torso, as well as a thin one below his left eye, and a weird, glowing mark on his tongue.PERSONNALITY
Reira is usually wandering alone, having little to no interest in sticking to a team or any group of people for too long. Very independent, he could rightly be described as selfish, but his feelings are always genuine and he would confidently take a bullet for anyone he considers a peer.
He’s very blunt, coarse and often taunting, but never talks with the intent to hurt.Though he might appear unfriendly and placid at first, his energy goes from zero to ten in a second if something arouses his curiosity. He always wears his heart on his sleeve without any hint of shame and just doesn't know how to lie, on top of rarely seeing the point of doing so.FIGHTING STYLE
Very fierce and quick to act in battle, Reira also tends to act on instinct only and his impulsivity exposes him to countless risks – his tenacity and high pain tolerance making up for it, usually.
He’s first and foremost a close-ranged fighter, but also has some aptitude for black magic and has learned to combine it with his physical abilities.


Reira is often looking for a job, since he rarely takes on contracts exceeding a month. He’s specialized in mercenary work of all kind as well as bounty hunting, and any other kind of duty requiring a strong pair of arms and not so much brain. Not deprived of some sense of justice, he will outright refuse any task that goes against his moral, but danger is nothing he would be afraid of if it’s well-paid – or just sounds fun enough.
When he’s not looking for trouble, troubles find him in the form of various occult monsters, voidsents and other eldritch horrors. Coming from who knows where, they all seem especially interested by Reira’s eyes, either to eat them or destroy them - he never had the chance to ask. Even if Reira is used to their assaults and knows how to defend himself pretty well, he would gladly accept any kind of help – or he might just has been thrown through your window by a clawing hand or a tentacle...
Due to his chaotic lifestyle and draining way of fighting, Reira is often in need of medical care he can or can’t afford. The unusual pact he made with his avatar also comes with the price of chronic headaches striking him like a train from time to time, which lends him to a very vulnerable state some could take advantage of.
Reira has a strong respect for the deaths and a very deep interest in funerary cults of any cultures and times. He’s surprisingly knowledgeable about the subject and treats it with an uncharacteristic consideration and gentleness. Cemeteries also tend to soothe him, and he will almost always head to one when he’s emotionally troubled.


· Reira's mother tongue is ancient Roegadyn language, and he only learned common tongue later in his youth. His sentences may sometimes sound weirdly formed, especially when he gets uneasy and nervous.· Despite his wages and his frugal lifestyle, he’s almost always broke. He will probably avoid the subject if you ask where his money is going…· He’s easily charmed by music, especially by the sound of bowed string instruments.· He’s a very good swimmer and will take a dip anytime he can, no matter the weather.· As a Reaper, his relationship with his avatar is peculiar to say the least, and on occasion the creature may show up to snuggle up to him like an embarrassing pet.



Matts – she/her – 29• I will not RP with anyone under 20. The twitter linked is also highly nsfw and I request you to not interact with me here if you’re underage. Thank you!• I’m very interested in dark and mature themes, and I have specifically shaped Reira to fit in any kind of disastrous situation so you can go wild.• I’m not very comfortable to RP in game and I use discord only for now.• English is not my first language,, so I apologize for any kind of mistake in my writing. Don’t hesitate to tell me if something comes off as off-putting, disrespectful or inappropriate - it will surely be unintended!• I can’t guarantee any regularity in my answers since my schedule is often chaotic, but I’ll do my best.• If you’re French speaking and want to RP in French don’t hesitate to reach out!
I love (love(LOVE)) writing in french.